The CT Protocol Optimization team seeks outside assistance in reviewing our protocols and providing advice about the clinical and technical components based on each participant’s specific knowledge and experience.
In an effort to expand the foundation upon which the protocols are developed, the UW CT Protocol Optimization team consults with outside experts in reviewing our protocols and providing advice about the clinical and technical components based on each participant’s specific knowledge and experience. Through this collaboration, we hope to reaffirm the quality of our protocols while identifying areas for potential improvement. We enlist the help of CT advisory boards in three domains: radiologists, physicists, and technologists, with each advisory board typically convened every two years. UW faculty participate in these meetings—refer to the “Personnel” link on our CT Protocol Partnership webpage for those individuals.
We offer our sincere thanks to everyone involved in making the UW / GE CT Protocol Partnership a success, including our faculty and residents who participate in the validation process. You are helping to make a worldwide impact on radiation dose reduction while improving image quality. If you would like to contribute ideas or suggestions to the partnership, please contact us by email at
Learn more about our CT advisory boards and see past participants at the links below.